Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Life Lessons

I had a really good friend who taught me a lot of things about myself. Unfortunately, I probably won't get to see them again. I also may have screwed things up, which, if I did, I'm sorry. I wrote this paper for one of my classes and I'm really proud of it. It's not that fantastically written, but it's me. It was really hard to write, but I'm glad I did. These are some of the things my friend taught me, although the words are entirely my own.
Sometimes you need people. Sometimes they need you. Sometimes you’re right. Sometimes things are harder than they should be, and sometimes you really shouldn’t panic. Things aren’t always easy, but if they were, life would be boring. Sometimes you can make it through, even when you think you can’t. It’s good to let people in, no matter how much it hurts. Even if they’re leaving, it can be worth it to let them in. You shouldn’t disconnect from people when it’s time for them to actually leave. Advil just masks the pain; it doesn’t actually fix the problem. Sometimes people do actually care about you. It only takes a few seconds of courage to accomplish something that isn’t easy to do. Don’t ever give up on something you can’t go a day without thinking about.

This sort of sounds like a bunch of random things all jumbled together, but it’s not. This is what I’ve been going through this semester. Everything ties in, and the order is pretty accurate. It’s hard to write all of this, which is why there are no personal adjectives. It’s easier to write this way. This is a good way to get thoughts out on paper—especially the thoughts you don’t want to think about.

Sometimes it’s important to tell someone how you feel about them, even if they are leaving. It takes a lot of courage to tell them. It involves them, and maybe they have something to say that you need to hear. Maybe it will just help bring closure. Maybe it won’t do anything at all, but at least you were honest. Maybe what you said was something they needed to hear.

            Never give up. No matter how hard something is, hope will always whisper encouragement. After all, things can only get better. And hope is very stubborn. People disconnect for the same reason they put up walls. Sometimes it’s important to see who cares enough to break them down. You don’t have to be strong all the time. Sometimes it’s OK to be sad. Sadness isn’t weakness. Sometimes it’s just a different sort of strength. Sometimes you are the only thing holding you back. Fear is OK, but it’s not the problem. Your subconscious can be a pain in the butt. Sometimes your greatest dream isn’t all that unrealistic; you’re just waiting for someone to tell you that you can do it. But if you wait for that person, then you’re going to want to put your trust in that person. It’s not a good thing, because people will always fail you, even if they don’t mean to.

Sometimes people come in to your life at the right time; the time when you need them the most. Sometimes you learn a lot from them, and sometimes they help you learn more about yourself. Sometimes you just need to be a little bit more confident. Believing in yourself is important. Sometimes those people help you realize that you’re stronger than you think you are. It’s like that quote from Winnie the Pooh: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” Sometimes it’s OK to let go even if it seems impossible. Nothing is impossible. Sometimes your greatest weakness is your greatest strength. Sometimes the hard thing to do is the right thing to do. Sometimes you have to make your own decisions. Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself, and sometimes that earns you more respect. Sometimes the littlest things can make the biggest difference. Sometimes you don’t know the effect you have on people. Sometimes words are useless, and you just need to act. Sometimes logic won’t help you at all. Sometimes the hardest things to remember or relive are the things you need to tell someone. Sometimes you have to realize it’s not your fault. Sometimes you need to just say what you mean—you don’t always need to have an explanation. Sometimes you shouldn’t justify yourself to other people—if they don’t like it, that’s their problem. You wouldn’t be who you are without every experience in your life. Sometimes people will take advantage of you. Sometimes you need to stop them. Sometimes being nice is the worst thing you can do.

Sometimes things aren’t easy. Sometimes people can help. Sometimes you just need to man up and take care of yourself. Sometimes explanations don’t help, they just make things worse. Sometimes you need to stand up for yourself, and sometimes you are the only thing holding you back. Sometimes strength shows up when you least expect it. Sometimes life is unexpected. Sometimes you need to just be yourself. If people don’t like that, they can get over it. Sometimes you need to ask for help. Sometimes you don’t need to help people. After all, it’s OK to say no. Sometimes letting people in is the best thing you can do for yourself. No one should have to be an island. Sometimes you learn more about yourself through writing a paper and you realize you didn’t know anything for the last 19 years of your life.

Sometimes there are no words to express the gratitude you have for a person.