Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Need I Even Title It?

                   You Are Not Alone

If I believed in wishes, I'd wish things were different.
I'd take your pain, your worries, and your problems, and I would fix them.
You carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, and some days you think you'll break.
But you are stronger than anyone realizes, including you.

Fixing others' problems is not a solution to ignoring your own.
You will never be enough for someone else until you are enough for yourself.
How do I know that? I've been down this road before.
It's a lonely road, one that seems to echo with every mistake you make.
Every twist brings some fresh horror, while every turn relives old nightmares.

We all have our demons, and mine looked like me.
You can't run forever; you can't hide forever.
You have to face this. And there is no one who can fight your fears but you.
The demons you face are yours alone.

But you are not alone. You certainly don't have to be.
You don't have to be an island; you are not an army of one.
Even Superman needed help sometimes.
Trust isn't always misplaced; actions speak to that.

There will always be fires to put out. It's important to know which ones are worth fighting.
You are enough. One day, I hope you'll believe it.


I opened my heart
But I'm left with a gaping wound
I shared my mind
But now my knowledge is gone
I showed too much of my soul
Now there's nothing left but scraps

I loved too much
I gave too much
I'm left with too little

I broke myself to save my friends
And there's no one left to save me
I never understood how drowning could make you able to breathe again
But now I do
Rain can wash away mistakes
And somehow help the pain

I came
I saw
I loved

It wasn't enough
You took the pieces you loved
And left the rest
And now I'm standing alone
With nothing to show
Except the picture of the girl I used to be

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